Saturday, 21 May 2011

Healthy Marmalade Muffins

My second attempt at a fat free baking evening were some marmalade muffins made with wholemeal flour and yogurt instead of butter. I had some concerns about the recipe - mainly because I had accidently picked up wholemeal flour instead of wholewheat, and the recipe didn't have any sugar in it. Since marmalade isn't known for it's sweet taste I was worried they would just end up bitter and unpleasant. It turned out this wasn't miles away from the truth...

The mixing instructions just suggested mixing it together until the dry ingredients are moistened....ew? In the end I had something that looked suspiciously like brown goo and I thought 'this isn't going to look great'. I plopped them into the muffin cases and waited for them to spread out like the cupcake mixture I was used to. Nope. It just sort of sat in the middle of the case...

Sadly when I took them out the oven 15 minutes later they looked exactly the same, just a little browner. Quite bitter and they didn't rise and shape so looked more like rock cakes.

They tasted fine but you definitely noticed the lack of sugar in these ones.  As I made tea I shouted through to boyfriend to find out how they tasted and he described it (reluctantly) as a 'healthy tasting treat'. Hmmm....Unconvinced with these but I'm not giving up. I suppose I was sort of hoping they'd turn out like little cupcakes that I could build upon but they're just too....stodgy. Nice, but not quite what I was after.

Weight Watchers ProPoints: 4
Calories: 137

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